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Franklin's electrical experiments led to his invention of the lightning rod. He noted that conductors with a sharp rather than a smooth point were capable of discharging silently, and at a far greater distance.  Following a series of experiments on Franklin's own house, lightning rods were installed on the Academy of Philadelphia (later the University of Pennsylvania) and the Pennsylvania State House (later Independence Hall) in 1752.

Sources cited from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin

 The glass harmonica, also known as the glass armonica, bowl organ, hydrocrystalophone, or simply the armonic is a type of musical instrument that uses a series of glass bowls or goblets graduated in size to produce musical tones by means of friction.

 Sources cited from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin

The Franklin stove fireplace after its inventor, Benjamin Franklin. It was invented in 1741. It had a hollow baffle near the rear (to transfer more heat from the fire to a room's air) and relied on an "inverted siphon" to draw the fire's hot fumes around the baffle. It was intended to produce more heat and less smoke than an ordinary open fireplace. It is also known as a "circulating stove" or the "Pennsylvania fireplace".

Sources cited from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_stove